Friday, November 30, 2007
I met Santa Claus!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Didn't go to Vegas...
We didn't end up going to Vegas this weekend... Poor Samara and her Mommy are sick!
Get better soon! Can't wait to meet you guys!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 10:26 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Happy Birthday Tiyo Kev!
My Tiyo Kev turns 24 today...
Just wanted to wish him a happy Birthday! Wish I coulda been with you so you could attack me with kisses and tickles!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
My 6 month checkup
Doc says everything is great!
I'm now 27 inches long and I weigh 16 lbs... I was very active last month, so I only gained 8 ounces... you can see it in my thighs... they're not as "crispy" anymore...
Posted by Lil Stinker at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Union Square
On November 26, we went to the city and we checked out the big Christmas tree in Union Square... It was very tall and it had ornaments that were bigger than my head! Some were the size of basketballs!
Big ornaments!
After Monday Night Dinner, I stayed at Grandma's while Daddy and Mommy went to the Warriors game... it was an exciting game!... too bad I missed it! and too bad Ninong JB missed it... Thanks for the Tickets, Ninong Dooode!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 12:31 PM 0 comments
I'm 6 months old!
On November 24, I turned 6 months old!
Mommy and Daddy fed me cereal for the first time! It was yummy!
More of the cereal ended up on my bib than in my tummy...
I knocked the first batch out of Mommy's hands, then she had to make more...
I was starting to get impatient because the cereal wasn't in my mouth fast enough between feedings!
Mommy changed my stinky diaper after... if mommy and daddy thought my diapers were stinky before, they're REALLY stinky now! And they'll just get stinkier and stinkier and stinkier!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Bee Movie...
... really was a "B-movie"...
I stayed awake for most of it, but Mommy had to put me to sleep somewhere in the middle of the movie...
I kept saying "dada dada"
Mommy has a little trick...
She'll ask me "Who would you like to change your stinky diaper?"
Of course I'll reply "dada"
Posted by Lil Stinker at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
This was my very first American Thanksgiving! We have a lot to be thankful for this year... my health, my family, my friends, Geopree, Mrs. Scuddlebugs, EllaEllo and everyone close to our hearts...
Looks like I'm trying to escape!
Check out the video below!
Forget the bottle... I'm going straight for the big tumbler!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 6:40 PM 0 comments
I've always loved bathtime!
I used to just lay back and relax while Mommy washed me... I used to love to just watch her with my big round eyes and smile every now and then...
But now that I can sit up, I've discovered what fun splashing can be!
I'll just splash and splash and splash and splash!
I know it's getting more and more difficult for Mommy to bathe me, but splashing is just SO MUCH FUN! You should try it!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I made it to the BIG table!
Now that I can sit up without being all wibbly wobbley, I get to sit at the Big table on Monday Night Dinners! I no longer have to swing in my swing, bounce in my bounce chair or sit on the floor with all my toys... I can sit at the table with my toys!
Grandma even taught me how to bang my tray with my spoon! I'm sure she'll regret teaching me that one in a couple of months!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 10:42 AM 1 comments
Me and My Ninongs!
On November 17, I got to hang out with my Ninongs! After looking at beautiful new houses, we made our way to San Mateo to hang out with Auntie Chee-deh, Ninong Ray and Ninong JB. They played games with Mommy and Daddy and I got to stay up a little past my bedtime!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 10:38 AM 0 comments
The Farmers Market
On November 17, we visited the Farmer's Market in San Leandro. I got to see all kinds of fruits and veggies in almost every colour of the rainbow! (but mostly green!)
Mommy forgot to take pictures because she was so excited to see so many different kinds of produce that Safeway doesn't sell! haha!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Mommy's hair
(I didn't really want to blog about this, but I hope it might inspire someone to donate their hair too!)
On November 10, I chopped of a 15 inch ponytail and donated it to the Beautiful Lengths Organization. This organization makes free wigs for women who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment.
You can see my new hair at:
It takes 6 ponytails to make a wig... help them out if you can!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 10:14 AM 2 comments
Me and Ninong JB
On November 10, Ninong JB helped Daddy take care of me while Mommy was getting her hair cut. We went to Union Square and I got to watch them as they went shopping!
After Mommy was finished, we (including me!) were all starving so we ate at Osha on Valencia... It's not the same one we usually go to, but this place is yummy too!
Daddy took the flower from the volcanic beef and put it in my "hair":
Posted by Lil Stinker at 10:10 AM 0 comments