Thanks for driving me around to my doctor's appointments! Thanks for all the goodies at Whole Foods too! They have all kinds of food for allergy kids, like me! A little expensive, but at least I have options now!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thanks Lola!
Thanks for driving me around to my doctor's appointments! Thanks for all the goodies at Whole Foods too! They have all kinds of food for allergy kids, like me! A little expensive, but at least I have options now!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:00 PM 0 comments
My first allergist appointment
Mommy and Daddy were also concerned that I was allergic to more than what was previously diagnosed because I still get reactions even though I don't eat anything I shouldn't. We visited an allergist on Friday and she gave us a lot of information about my "allergies".
Turns out that I may not be allergic to these foods after all, but it might be leaky gut syndrome. Everyone is born with a "leaky gut". Basically, my gut is not mature enough to handle certain foods yet. Once my stomach is able to handle these foods, I'll be able to eat them. If I was really allergic to them, I'd be allergic to them for the rest of my life... so now, doctors are saying that infant allergies aren't really allergies... it's leaky gut syndrome.
Also, it won't be good for me if I try to gradually introduce these foods to my diet. We just have to wait until my stomach is mature enough to handle them.
They even had a treasure chest at the end, where I could pick out whatever I wanted!
I chose stickers, of course!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Nutritionist Appointment
On Thursday, March 5, I had my very first nutritionist appointment. Mommy and Daddy were a little concerned about my weight (I'm a skinny minnie!). I have lots of food allergies and they were worried that I wasn't gaining weight at a regular pace because I can only eat "healthy food" (lol).
The nutritionist said not to worry, and basically told Mommy to sneak extra oil and soy butter in my food, introduce me to soy yogurts and cheeses (for extra calcium) and continue eating my fave, avocado.
My goal is to be over 25 pounds... (I was a little over 20 pounds at this point).
And because Mommy is writing this 20 days later, I'm happy to tell you that I now weigh 24 pounds. And it all went to my face... and my belly!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Lil Miss Independent - by Mommy
Lil Miss Addi is trying harder and harder these days to do things on her own. Her favorite phrase these days is "I do, I do!" and she'll do the task at hand and finish it off with "I did it!"
It's a little frustrating because it takes SOOO much longer to do things, but I understand she needs to be a little more independent.
She insists that she feeds herself, even though there's more food in her bib than in her tummy!
She insists that she puts her shirt on herself, even though she puts her leg through the arm hole!
She insists that she washes her own hands (and dries them with a towel!), even if there are splashes of water everywhere!
She insists that she undresses herself, and even if I ask her to take off her pants only, she'll always attempt to take off her diaper too!
Don't get me wrong, she does things well too!
...and for every time she says "I do! I do!", she says "NOOOOO" 10 times.
Posted by Lil Stinker at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Hanging out with Lola
It was great to have Lola here! She came at a perfect time - Mommy was pretty busy and we needed an extra hand!
Lola cooked many meals for us... oftentimes she would cook twice a day! I loved everything - from her sinigang to her curry chicken... It definitely helped with my weight gain goals.
She spent a lot of time with me, playing and singing. Boy, did she spoil me! She came with a luggage just for me! I got lots of new clothes and new toys and books! Woo hoo!
Here we are at Costco - as you can see, I really loved this juice!We left Costco with 4 new summer dresses for me! Can't wait to wear them, so I can spin around in front of the mirror and say "pretty" over and over again! (Really... she does that - I think she gets it from Daddy because I never do that!)
After Costco, we did some more shopping... and as we walked by the toy section, I exclaimed "WOW"... of course, my excitement got Lola to stop and... well... long story, short... I left with 4 new dolls! Mommy's jealous because that never worked with Lola when she was a kid!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
I'm almost too old for Mommy to post bath pictures of me, but we're ok for now...
Mommy styled my hair ala Harajuku Elvis... Can't wait to meet those guys!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Putting my Rain Gear to use!
It wasn't a good time to visit the Bay Area! It was scheduled to rain every single day that Lola was here. It's a good thing I have my slicker and rain boots! Mommy had an interview and Lola and I ate breakfast and played in the rain until she was finished.
Lola was writing the alphabet with the umbrella.
We made a pit stop at Babies R Us and Lola bought me Elmo underwear! I can't wait to wear them! It should help me potty train ~ though it'll be very messy for Mommy if we start before I'm ready!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Malcolm, Simon and Elijah's Baptism
6 of us headed up to Sac on Sunday Morning - Me, Mommy, Lola, Grandma, Grandpa and Tita Christina. We were able to witness the boys' beautiful baptism!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Lola's first day here...
We had a girl's night out! Daddy headed up to Sac for his annual brother's weekend and left the ladies to their own devices. So, of course, we headed to the mall! I had tons of fun, running around the mall and tryinng to get Lola tired!
We had a quiet dinner together and made it home early because we were driving to Sac early in the morning the following day!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Playing Wii Fit
I love playing Wii Fit! Actually, the only things I can do right now is get weighed (I'm trying to gain 2 more pounds in two weeks!) and run...
Here I am running:
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Welcome back, Lola
Lola came on February 28 to visit us! I was very excited to see her! She had apple slices for me and we bonded very quickly!
Right after picking her up, we went to In N Out even though we weren't supposed to... but we were all starving and it's pretty close to the airport!
I LOVE their fe fies (french fries)... but I was pretty full from the apples and Daddy got me stickers to distract me while the adults ate.
Posted by Lil Stinker at 10:55 AM 0 comments
My photo spot
I've designated a spot in the living room to stand in when Mommy takes pictures of me. Sometimes, when I see Mommy with the camera, I'll walk (or run!) over to my spot so Mommy can take a picture of me. Nobody told me to do this, it's just a place I like to go to!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 9:57 AM 0 comments
I've created a monster!
Not too long ago, I decided it was time to let Addi feel a little empowered and make little decisions on her own... Easy things like "Which spoon would you like? The purple one or the pink one?" Her answer is ALWAYS THE PINK ONE! This goes on and on, cups, shirts, sweaters.... you get the picture. So now, she's OBSESSED with PINK (sounds like someone I know, as mentioned in her 25 random things). There are days when I won't ask her which ___ she wants and she'll refuse the blue cup, yellow spoon, etc and ask for (sometimes DEMAND!) her pink one...
What do I do?!? or really... Chee-Deh, what did your mom do?
Posted by Lil Stinker at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Note From Mommy
Oh man, I lag... I started to write down little things that Addi does in a notebook about 3 weeks ago and I haven't been able to do a "Note From Mommy" until now!
Addison is talking so much more these days and I swear her vocabulary grows at least a word a day. She tries so hard to communicate, making up words or mumbling a sentence and saying a real word. eg. "mm ha mm mm dolly?" and she'll point to her dolly as if she's asking for it... before she would just say "dolly", but now she knows that there are other words used to ask a question... she just doesn't know what those words are yet.
Addi can now count to ten... and actually say all the numbers.
We're still working on her ABC's. She'll sing "G, L, M, N, O, P, up to Z" and try to sing "Now I know my ABC's" and then yell out "ME!"
She can name most animals, though she often gets mixed up with cow and sheep for some reason...
She's having a tough time with colours. When asked "What colour is this?" her go-to answer is often blue... but she'll always get brown right. And most times she'll get pink and purple right too.
She's been calling out vehicles lately... she'll say car, truck, airplane, train, bus etc. Yesterday, while we were driving on the freeway, she would call out a big truck every time we saw one. But she says "big c*ck"! She kept repeating it over and over again! Then we saw a big, brown truck, but she only said "brown". LOL!
She's very curious now. She'll always ask "Wha dat?" I'll tell her what something is and her response is either repeating what I say or "Oh."
I'll usually give her a choice between two things now - in the morning, I'll ask her "Do you want cereal or oatmeal?" or I'll ask her "Do you want to wear the pink top or the blue top". She'll seriously consider two options by saying "hmmmmmmm" and then point "Dat one" or "oameal"
She still loves playing peek-a-boo. Before she loved to be the hider and say "Poo-bah!", now she'll seek and say "__ Are you?" in a really sing-songy voice. When hiding, she now says "Poo-Boo" (we're getting closer!)
When we ask where something is, she'll usually say "right there" (ri der) or "there it is" (der e is)
When we ask her a yes or no question and the answer is yes, she'll say "ya" or "sure!"... I'm still trying to get her to say "yes", but I guess "ya" is easier.
She loves to pretend to talk on the phone! Even with just her hand - it's hilarious! I've tried to catch it on my camera, but the camera always distracts her... her usual conversations are with either Daddy or Uncle Josh. A conversation with Daddy goes something like this:
"Hi Daddy"
"um-hmm" (nodding)
"OK" (nodding)
A conversation with Uncle Josh usually goes something like this:
"Uncle Josh" (Unko Joshhhh)
"Bella?" (asking about his dog, Bella)
"Tita?" (asking about his girlfriend)
"Oh, ok"
IT'S HILARIOUS!!! I don't prompt her to do it, she just does it at random times!
Manners - she's getting really good at her manners. I think she just loves when people sneeze so she can say "Bless you" (Beshou). 9 times out of 10 she'll say "Thank you" or "Thank you Mama". If told to say "Thank you" by someone other than me, she'll say "You're welcome" (mecom). If she really wants something she'll say please. If she REALLY REALLY wants something, she'll whine and say Please over and over again. If you're not listening to her she'll throw a fit.
We would always say "Ready, Set" and she would chime in "GO!"... now she says "Ready? GO!"
Singing songs - she's getting really good at singing her kid songs. She loves to do the actions and she'll at least say the last word of each line (just like Mommy, haha!) She loves to hear and sing "I'm Your's" by Jason Mraz - she'll sing the chorus with a lot of emphasis on "No more, no more" and "I'm shurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr".
She's now using her name to ask for things: "Addi brush?", "Addi cup?"... we're getting there...
She can say so many new words right now, It'll take me forever to write them all down!
Here are a few:
Peek sha - I'll ask "Where's Grandpa?"
She'll say "Right there."
I'll ask "Where?"
She'll say "Picture" and point to his picture.
Camwa - camera
mine - *shudder* this was the word I didn't want her to learn
kee up - clean up
tb - tv
cd - cd
dance - a request for you to dance or play music
door - door
window - window
sa mon - salmon
cheeps - Kellogg's corn flakes (LOL!)
pees - peas
con - corn
geeps - grapes
owange - orange
wice - rice
mak - rice milk
wato - water
bed - gluten free, dairy free, egg free bread
poon - spoon
fok - fork
taw - straw
ou side - outside
tais - stairs
the list goes on and on!
She's getting a little bossy, now that her communication skills are growing. eg. If one person is singing, EVERYONE has to sing... and she'll call you out if you're not singing!
If she wants you to come with her, she'll say "come" and pull you with all her might to wherever she wants you to go.
She's really taken to her dolls (Roo, her Cabbage Patch Doll - "Dolly" and her baby doll - "bebe"). She'll "feed" them - either their ice cream, bottle or whatever she's eating (yikes!). She'll clean them with the cheap wipes (The wipes we got but totally suck and would never use on Addi's butt). She'll put them to sleep - by swaying them and humming. (it's REALLY cute!)
She loves to play with this pink hand towel. She'll carry it around with her and wipe up her dolls, the floor, the ottoman... she tries to put it back in the clean towel drawer, but I'll always swipe it from her and put it in the hamper.
She loves to play with zippers! She'll unzip her pj's all the way down to her toes, we call it air conditioning. You can't leave your purse with her, zipped or unzipped... or else you'll come back to your purse turned upside down and completely emptied... she'll probably be wearing your lipstick too.
She prefers to be pantless, shoeless, sockless and now... DIAPERLESS. She'll walk around and take off her clothes and scatter them here and there. We've had one accident, where she peed on the floor and one time we found the diaper with poop in it. Is this a sign that she's ready for potty training?
She loves to wear kick-kick (lipstick) actually, it's chapstick and she'll smack her lips together after you put it on her. NOTE TO EVERYONE OUT THERE... chapstick only please... I don't want her looking like an unfortunate pageant princess.
When I'm putting on makeup, she'll ask me to put some on her too - she'll put her finger on her eyelid and say "eyes"
She loves to twirl and make pretty and silly faces in front of the mirror... I swear, I don't know where she learned how to do this! Whenever she puts on a dress, she gets really excited and runs to the mirror to twirl and say "pretty". *yikes!*
I know that she's starting to get full when she does the airplane with her food. She'll buzz and circle her spoon around.
She'd rather eat with her hands. What a true Filipino... she likes to eat with her hands and is comfortable with her leg up. When asked to eat with her spoon, she'll hold the spoon with one hand and continue to eat with her other hand.
She LOVES to play with her shadow. She says "shadow?" and will wave at herself and ask you to move your shadow. It'll entertain her for a good 10 minutes.
She's really into her blocks - she can stack them up to 7 blocks (really rare), but the tower usually topples after 5 blocks. She'll arrange them by colour, so red goes with red, yellow goes with yellow, etc.
She LOVES to play with wooden puzzles - these are the ones that are recommended for 2+. She's really good with them and she's getting so fast now! We don't just put the pieces down, she has to name the piece (or at least repeat after me) before she puts the piece in the correct spot.
Right now we have the fish (colours), cars, pets and animal sounds puzzles. She'll only do each one once or else she'll get bored. Gotta keep things moving!
Walking - we're trying to use the stroller less (especially if we drive somewhere) and she'll walk through stores with me... it takes a lot longer to get things done, but she loves to explore and she gets really excited to be in different places! She'll hold my hand if I ask her to and sometimes she'll just ask for my hand, but it's always for a brief moment because she needs to swing both arms when she's running!
Affection - She's a very affectionate little girl! She loves to kiss and she'll squeeze you back if you ask for a hug. If I tell her to say good night to someone, it usually involves a kiss and a hug. I could hug and kiss her allllllllllllllll day long! I love 'er!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 7:11 AM 2 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Daddy's Mac Book
The Photo Booth is sooo much fun! I could just play with it for hours!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:56 PM 0 comments
My safe cabinet
All the cabinet doors are kid-proofed except for one... the "safe" cabinet, Mommy and Daddy keep things like plastic utensils and plastic containers for me to play with and pretend-cook while Mommy's cooking...
What I REALLY do with the safe cabinet is pull out each item, one by one, and make an ENORMOUS mess!
Occasionally, I'll actually play with my "safe things"... My favourite toy is the plastic tongs... I like to open them up and put them around my neck. (I have no idea why she loves doing this...)
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:44 PM 0 comments
Chicken N Waffles
We went out on President's Day for some good ole' Chicken N Waffles... The chicken was delicious! Tonight was the night that I decided to go on Daddy's team and eat dark meat only... I used to eat white meat like Mommy, but I just kept spitting it out...
I'd rather have dark meat...
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Bed Head
I woke up one day and Mommy found me like this...
(my hair doesn't usually look THIS messy, but if I roll around a lot, it's totally out of control!)
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:14 PM 0 comments
On Grandpa's Lap
Grandpa will often say "Come over here and sit on Grandpa's lap"... 8 times out of 10, I'll flat out reject him, but every now and then I'll come over and sit on his lap.
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Outgrowing my clothes
Us kids outgrow our clothes really FAST! Mommy is keeping my clothes just in case they have another girl (by late next year... no, Mommy isn't pregnant).
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:07 PM 0 comments