Saturday, April 25, 2009
I'm Twenty Three Months Old!
On April 24, 2009, I turned 23 months old! One more month until my birthday!
I spent a few days in bed with Mommy because we're both sick - I had a fever and she has an ear infection... yikes.
We still managed to go outside for some sunshine and as you can see from my pictures, a fever won't stop me from smiling!
lol... it's just a trick, you see... I was whining and complaining all the other hours of the day because I hate being sick! Mommy just took these pictures at a good time!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 6:17 PM 1 comments
My Growth Chart
I got this My Little Pony growth chart from one of my sticker books...
Mommy and Daddy put it in front of the mirror so I can see how much I'm growing.
I like to mess around with Mommy and Daddy and either stand on my tip toes or bend my knees when they're measuring me... hahaha!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Ninong JB's BBQ!
We always know that summer's coming once Ninong JB has a big barbecue at his house! I had a lot of fun with all the kiddies (once they got there!) I showed off my new jumping skills and got them dizzy with "Rosie" (ring around the rosie). I ate a lot of yummy BBQ food - I had some corn 'specially made for me (no butter please!)... I even ate some Sour Cream and Onion chips - thanks Gabriel! He didn't know I'm not supposed to eat any dairy, but he remembered after he learned... he kept asking why I was allergic to dairy!
Mommy got there at the end of the BBQ, but she was able to take these pictures!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Happy Easter 2009!
Daddy and Uncle Josh set up the Gazebo in the backyard, so we took some family pictures after brunch.
Posted by Lil Stinker at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Bella and me
I can't believe I haven't put up a picture of Bella until now!
Bella is Uncle Josh's dog. I used to be afraid of her because she was very hyper and she liked to lick my feet. I get to spend lots of time with her now and sometimes I'm more of the bully!
I usually tease her and get her to do things that she shouldn't so that I can yell "NO BELLA!" or "STOP BELLA!"... I'm not supposed to do that.
I've been listening to Uncle Josh teach her things and sometimes, I'll copy what he says too! I'll say things like "stop", "sit", "good girl".
I don't quite understand what dogs understand, so sometimes I'll tell Bella to look at the TV if there's something funny on or I'll tell her to play with things... I'll even pull on her collar to get her attention!
I laugh a lot now when I'm with Bella - I used to hate it when she licked my feet... now I'll even let her lick my face! It tickles!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (stickers)
I'm pretty popular at the supermarket... We go there a number of times a week, and most people that work there know me and Mommy.
One of the perks of being popular are well... the perks! I always get a compliment and sometimes, if I'm extra cute, I'll get a balloon or a bunch of "Thank you" stickers! I love stickers! They're fun to take off and stick everywhere!
Here are some shots from the pops:
Posted by Lil Stinker at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Easter Egg Hunt 2009
We celebrated Easter a day early this year at Dunsmuir House in Oakland. I was very excited to see my friends and cousins! The egg hunt was very popular this year... it was a really beautiful day and I guess everyone wanted to be out!

I'm on my way!
Luckily for me, Mommy got the Nivea out of my hair and dress... otherwise I'd have to change my entire outfit!

I knew exactly what to do!
I was just starting to walk last Easter, so I could barely walk and put eggs in my basket!
This year, I did it all by myself!

Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Addi + Nivea = MESS!
Mommy had to cook lunch and Daddy needed to take a shower, so they left me to my own devices (aka in front of the TV, to watch Super Why)... they didn't realize that they left a jar of Nivea on the bed too...
This is what happens when you leave me alone with things I can open:
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:12 PM 1 comments
Easter Crafts
I made little foam Easter Eggs for people... It was a fun craft! Then it got repetitive and I wanted to do something else... what do you expect?!? I'm not even 2 yet!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Grandma
After a busy morning (we checked out a daycare centre, went to a garage to have the insurance guy look at Daddy's car), we took Grandma out for brunch. It was nice to have us all at one table!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 4:04 PM 0 comments
At the movies with my cousins
On April 6, I went to the movies with my cousins. We saw Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D! I probably sat still for about 30 minutes (pretty impressive) and then I got antsy and kept trying to get Elijah's attention by standing in front of him and repeating his name over and over again. Mommy and I went up and down the stairs a few times, but eventually she took me outside and I played with Elijah while we waited for the movie to end.
I scared Mommy silly when I ran outside of the theatre and Elijah followed me! Luckily, I didn't run out into the street... YIKES!Mishap #2 happened at Grandma's house - I'm still not supposed to go down the stairs by myself, but I was trying to call for Elijah, who was downstairs, from the top of the stairs. I got a little excited and lost my footing... I took my first tumble down the stairs... luckily, Mommy was downstairs too... she heard me and ran up the stairs as I was falling. She caught me about halfway down the stairs! That should teach me not to go down the stairs, right?
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Surprise Grandma!
My cousins from Sac decided to surprise Grandma with a visit for her birthday! They just ran in her house and yelled out "surprise!" Isn't that great?!?
Here I am with my fave guys, Simon and Elijah... Oops, I still call Simon "Ison" most of the time, but eventually, I'll get it straight!
Elijah is still "Zsa Zsa" to me... maybe that'll be his new nickname... NOT!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Finally! After lots of practice (and pretend jumping), I can finally jump... I made my first official leap on April 4, 2009!
This was taken immediately after I first realized I can get air under my feet... I was so surprised and excited... you can hear the giddiness in my voice!
I practice my jumps in front of the mirror
I'm still so excited that I can do it! (Can you tell that Mommy's excited too?!?)
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Ate's performance
We were so happy to see Ate dance! She did an awesome job, as usual! If you enlarge this picture, you can see Ate - I pointed her out with little white arrows...
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:33 PM 0 comments
My First Warriors Game!
On April 3, I watched my first Warriors game at Oracle Arena. It was a great night because I also enjoyed the company of my fave peeps, Ison and Ate. We also got to watch Ate perform with the Warrior girls... she did a great job!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I love bubbles!
My new favourite thing to do is popping bubbles! I go crazy whenever I see the bubble bottle and I'll always ask Mommy or Daddy to take me outside so we can blow bubbles. I don't care what time of day it is... anytime is bubble time!
We also celebrated Earth Hour - Uncle Josh came over and we played and talked by candlelight!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:17 PM 1 comments
My new car seat!
We've been meaning to get a car seat for Grandma's car for a while now... We finally got one and no one was more excited for it's arrival than me! I love looking at all the flowers and playing with the buckles!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:04 PM 0 comments
One of the great things about hanging out at Grandma's house is getting better acquainted with the dogs. I was a little fearful of the pooches, but now that I'm there more often, I know I'm in control.
I learned how to say "No, Bella!" and "Sit!". The one I use the most right now is STOP! I'll use my LOUD voice and yell out " 'TOP!" with a really stern face:
Unfortunately for the rest of the people in my world (other than Bella), I've learned to use this word (in the same tone, volume and facial expression) to get people to stop in their tracks. I use this word frequently and it's starting to annoy everybody. They try to explain to me that I should only say "stop" to Bella, but why should I stop saying stop? It gets people to stop!
From Mommy:
On a serious note, how do we get her to stop this bossy behaviour?
Posted by Lil Stinker at 2:44 PM 0 comments
22 Months Old!
I'm now 22 months old! When people ask Mommy how old I am, she now says "Addi is almost 2", instead of counting in months!
Do you like my dress? It matches my blog perfectly, don't you think? Thanks Grandpa Frank!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 2:42 PM 1 comments
I'm getting chubbier, can you tell? It's mostly in my cheeks and belly, but at least I'm putting on the pounds. Mommy thinks my face has changed because of the extra weight - what do you think?
Posted by Lil Stinker at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Fashion Show
I got to try on my new outfits at Grandma's house. We had a little fashion show as I modeled my new clothes and twirled around.
Posted by Lil Stinker at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Frequent Rider Miles
I've been clocking in a lot of Frequent Rider Miles on BART lately. Sometimes, Mommy will let me walk with her to the station. I love to run all over the place and at the same time, I love to stop and look (sometimes almost touch!) at things on the ground, so Mommy carries me to the station most of the time.
I can walk up to the turnstiles (what do you call these things nowadays? They don't actually turn, but open up instead) and wait until Mommy inserts and removes the ticket. I also love to run to the escalator, but I'll always wait for Mommy to lift me up on a moving step.
I'll always wait patiently for the BART train to arrive, but when it comes, I'll let everyone know by yelling "BAHT BAHT BAHT BAHT". Mommy and I will walk on the train together and I even get to sit down on the seat by myself!
I learned Grandma's station after 3 BART trips! We were talking to a nice couple on the BART one day and I said "bye" when we were approaching our stop!
I'm a pro now!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 2:28 PM 0 comments