Oooh! What luck! I got to spend my 2nd birthday at the BIG Toys R Us in Times Square! My stroller was finally assembled and off we went! It was a bit of a struggle getting in and out of cabs because we didn't know how to close or open the stroller - we had to stalk parents to close it for us (to get into the cab) and open it (when we got out of the cab)...We finally made it to Times Square - of course it was total chaos, but I was still excited to get there...
I was sooo happy to be in Toys R Us, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face! Mommy and Daddy went back and forth about riding the giant Ferris Wheel, because of the SUPER long line... but we went on it because... well, it would be a regular trip to any old Toys R Us otherwise! Plus, we got free tickets because it was my birthday! I got this great crown (which I didn't really want to wear) and a balloon that said it was my birthday!
While we were standing in line, I was scoping out which car I wanted to ride, there were some really cool cars - a dora one, a barbie one, and a my little pony one... guess which one we got on... the boring fire engine, lol. I wanted to go on a toy car! In the end, it didn't really matter because I was on this cool Ferris Wheel!
We were really excited to see Super Why merchandise! We've never seen any toys until this point (as of 9/9/9, they're everywhere!) I made out with two action figures, Alpha Pig and Super Why, a couple of books and a huge smile.
We were going to take a picture with Geoffrey, the Toys R Us mascot, but he just scared me to shaking tears! I still talk about the scary giraffe to this day! The lady that was with him said that he always scares off little children and they should really make him smaller... well, do that then!
All in all, I had a great day at Toys R Us in Times Square!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Toys R Us in Times Square
Posted by Lil Stinker at 9:36 AM 0 comments
My first time in a crib...
and there's nothing you can do to get me out of here!
We came back to our room to find a crib here! We didn't ask for a crib, we asked for a stroller!
It took them a really long time to put the stroller together, but I didn't care because I had this to jump on!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Birthday Brunch
We joined the gang for brunch at... (I don't remember!). We enjoyed a nice walk from the hotel to the restaurant, passing by all kinds of inappropriate graff (click pic to read tag). It was such a nice hot day and a long enough stroll for me to pass out in the janky stroller (we borrowed it from the hotel).
It was another fantastic brunch, I hear! The adults thoroughly enjoyed all their meals in NYC... I missed out on Ninong JB feeding Xav... I can hear his biological clock ticking!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 9:03 AM 0 comments
It must be my birthday...
There wouldn't be any other day that I would have a lollipop (my very first!) and chips for breakfast!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Auntie Joan and Uncle Gary's Wedding
We woke up surprisingly early the day of Auntie Joan and Uncle Gary's wedding... Daddy was nice enough to grab NY Bagels and Lox for all of us staying at the Soho Grande Hotel while Mommy and I ran the other way to get Wedding Cards...
We made the mistake of changing hotels from the Soho Grande to the Brooklyn Marriott, not realizing that we weren't really that far from Brooklyn - we could have just stayed put and not had to rush rush rush that morning!
We had a ginormous room at the Marriott (at least double the size of the Soho Grande!) so it was nice to have some breathing room!They're wedding colors were yellow and black, so it was pretty clever of them to have yellow and black school buses to shuttle everyone from the hotel to the Church to the reception and back to the hotel! It was also clever of them to say the ceremony was an hour earlier than it actually was to ensure that everyone was on time! The ceremony was beautiful, brought Mommy to tears... I wanted to play more than anything, so I sat outside for some of the ceremony.
Going back on the school bus was a tricky thing... Mommy had to share a seat with a stranger (a bigger dude) and hold me at the same time - no seat belts or car seats! She also wanted me to take a nap so I wouldn't be cranky... took me a little while to fall asleep because there was so much to see and so many conversations to hear, but I finally did it! I was asleep for the beginning part of the reception, sleeping on Daddy's shoulder...
When I woke up, I was surprised to see everyone! It took a little getting used to seeing everyone, but I warmed up eventually. I loved going through Auntie Mel's purse and finding all her shiny lip gloss and lipstick! She even put some on me! We took some group pictures - men with babies and women with babies! Auntie Joan had these great centerpieces - their table numbers were years and on each side there was a picture of Auntie Joan and a picture of Uncle Gary.I couldn't wait to dance! I was so excited to hear music, that I would just run on the dance floor anytime music played! There were a few times that I probably shouldn't have been on the dance floor (like dinner time), but nobody seemed to mind. I could stay on the dance floor all night long! I was pretty pooped out from dancing, so I didn't get to witness the adults shenanigans...Ninong JB was nice enough to hold me while I was sleeping! Thanks Ninong!
What a great day!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Bon Chon Chicken
After our big day, we had dinner at Bon Chon Chicken with my cousins and the Fellas and their families... I know it was totally a fluke, but I was able to pick up food with chopsticks and feed myself! woohoo!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Central Park
After the museum, we walked around Central Park. I got to meet my Auntie Pam, Uncle Josh and Cousin Christian! The 3 babies needed a change, so we set up stroller changing tables in the park! What a site to see! This was an exciting day because we got to share in Ninong JB and Auntie Charlie's excitement... he proposed to her while we were at the museum! She accepted! I can't wait for the 3 day wedding extravaganza!
We found a great place to take pictures - the Belvedere Castle... Have you ever seen Stepmom? I haven't, but I heard the Castle was in the movie...
We ended our Central Park walk with popsicles... yay for dairy free treats!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 6:50 PM 0 comments