I spent my first Easter at Grandma and Grandpa's house... we had a last minute potluck party with some of my cousins.
I was having such a great time that I barely noticed the bunny ears on my head!
(Funny, she usually gets REALLY annoyed with headbands!)

Me, Grandpa Trevor and Grandpa Larry by the big bunny.

I'm checking out all the Easter goodies!

"Which one is mine, Mommy?"

Me and Grandma Lyn.

Here I am with my cousins Madisyn and Lauryn.

Here I am with cousin Madisyn and Grandma Belen.
Grandma Belen kept me pretty occupied in Church!
I think she's the main reason why I didn't sing during the "listening" parts!

My dashing daddy and me!

Mama and me.

The Grandmas slipped Madisyn's dress off her shoulders and made her pose like this...
I bet I'll have a picture like this in a year or two!
Doesn't she look cute!

I was lifting my dress up and down, up and down...
Thankfully, Mommy caught me on the "down", or else this would be a very embarrassing picture!
Look at how surprised Mason is!

And so begins the Egg hunt!
I found the purple egg!
Can you see it?


Cousin Mason waited for the eggs to come to him...
smart kid!

Cousin Ison cheesin' and showing off his egg basket!

I was really excited to find all these eggs!

A golden egg!
It's my lucky day!

Cousin Madisyn has eyes like a hawk!
She found tons of eggs!

Cousin Izzy had a great time putting eggs in her basket!

Grandmas and babies!


I found a box of Junior Caramels!

I showed it to cousin Izzy.

Uncle Izzy shows Auntie Anna and Izzy that he can be a cute pink bunny!
Auntie Anna refuses to give him any attention!

Cruzada parties always end in a group nap!
There are empty beds in the other rooms, people!
Happy Easter Everyone!
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