On Friday night we had dinner at B 44 with my Aunties, Uncles, Aisley and Ison... Auntie Laura and Uncle Dax were in town from Texas!

Me and Auntie Lala.
I was a little distracted by Uncle Dax's beard!

A group picture.

The Njissang family

Another group shot

One of the games Ate Aisley and I played...
She would rest her head on my high chair...

... and I would rest my head on hers!

Ison and I played with each other a lot tonight...
One of the things we did most was kiss each other.

about to go in for it again...
we can only do this for about another year or so...
then it ain't so cute!

Ate Aisley and Auntie Laura.
Mommy let Aisley borrow the camera for 10 minutes. We got the camera back with about 25 new pictures!

We were so cute tonight!
Ison would put his arm around me and I would rest my head on his shoulder...
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