It's been a few months since I've written a "Note from Mommy"... I don't really remember when she started doing the following things, but she's doing them now!
I really, really enjoy my daughter.... I'm not just saying that because she's my daughter, but she's truly an entertaining little girl. She's loving and loveable... and if you've spent any amount of time with her, I hope you'll agree with me!
She loves to dance and sing to herself... if she hears music, she'll march in place and sway her body side to side! She'll sing to herself too! "do do do do". We have a kids CD from her Lola that we listen to once a day... other times we listen to 98.1.
She loves the mirror - James blames this on me and I blame it on him... I think she just likes to see someone her own size. She loves to make faces at herself and turn around while keeping her head forward and eyes toward her reflection. Oh ya, she loves to kiss herself too!
She's becoming increasingly affectionate with her 'Roo (from Winnie the Pooh) doll. She treats him like a doll. She'll carry him around with her (at home only!) and pretend to have him sit down in her chair, potty... etc. She kisses his nose and hugs him. She brings him to the mirror and watches herself hug him... She's kind of rough with her other stuffed toys (like Donkey, who she steps on)...
She also loves her Birthday bear and asks for him by name "buh-day". We leave him in the car to keep her entertained on car trips - he moves his mouth and sings "Happy Birthday"... Addi likes to sway to the music.
On Sunday, she recognized that there was poop in her diaper - she patted her butt and said "poo poo?" I should have prefaced this by saying that Addi was never one of those kids that were grossed out by having a dirty diaper - she could play all day in a poopy diaper and she wouldn't care (I'm assuming, since she's never had a poopy diaper all day!)... but she never lets us know if her diaper is full - we just have to smell it ourselves.... so this is a big step for her! Let the potty training process begin! Actually, yesterday, after she pooped I let her look at her um... waste product? and we walked to the toilet together and I dumped her poop in the toilet and we watched it go down together...
She loves to be tickled... especially by her Daddy! He just gets her in giggle fits every time he does it!
She's losing her manners...
She used to say "please and thank you" (peesh and dado) on her own, but now I think she learned that she gets a quicker response if she yells "MA-MEH" and repeats it over and over again... she'll point to something she wants and yells "MA-MEH MA-MEH MA-MEH". It doesn't matter who she's talking to... It could be me, James or anyone else - if she wants something, she yells "MA-MEH!" - we're trying to break this habit - FAST!
She's a screamer
We don't know how she learned to scream, but she's doing it now... she'll scream when she's excited - I think she learned it from Rayanne, who was screaming down the slide when we were at the play place, because I distinctly remember telling James "I hope Addi doesn't learn how to scream like that"!
She's strong
I think she can carry her own weight... seriously! She pushes our heavy chairs from the dining room table around the floor, she pushes the ottoman across the living room floor. She pinches HARD! She can push open the door to the guest room... Sometimes I think she'll give herself a hernia with all the pushing she does sometimes!
She loves shoes (shuush)
She loves to grab a shoe and put it on someone's foot - she's really good at this! I never taught her how to do this, I guess she just observes... but 99% of the time, she's right about the owner - she'll put my shoes on my feet and James shoes on his feet. Yesterday, while I was washing the dishes, she grabbed my shoe from the front hallway and came into the kitchen to put it on my foot... I don't know what inspired her to do this - it was totally random!
She loves to drop things and say "uh oh"
Does anyone... ANYONE have any advice on how to get her to stop doing this?!?
She'll ask for her sippy and throw it over her shoulder (on purpose!) and say "uh oh" or she'll drop her food on the floor and say "uh oh"... I know this is for attention, but it's starting to get annoying! I don't want her to do this anymore! She also learned how to take her sippy out of the sippy cup strap so now she can throw it out of her stroller! (she hasn't done this yet, but she will soon enough!)
She pretends she's taking pictures or talking on the phone
She loves to grab the camera (or something that looks like one) and hold it up and say "Cheesh". She'll also grab things and hold them up to her ear and say "Ah-lo". The funny thing is whenever I'm actually giving her the phone to say hello to someone, she gets really shy and the only word she'll say is "NO"! She also likes to pretend that she's vacuuming with the duster buster!
She's talkative
She sounds like a jibbering jabbering little thing from a far-away planet! I wish I could understand what she was saying!
She claps when she wants to be picked up
I don't know where she learned this, but she'll clap her hands twice then hold them up while saying "Up Up!"
She likes to carry a purse and say "bye bye"
She pretends she's going outside... she'll pick up my purse or her diaper pad and she'll even walk to the door!
She loves to be outside... just looking at everything and people on the street is entertaining to her.
She says bye bye and does a flying kiss when you say bye or good night
Even when you just want a regular kiss good-night!
She YELLS out "DADDY!!!" when we're in the bedroom and he's not
When we're going to bed, she'll look at the hallway to see if he's coming... if he takes too long, she'll yell out "DAAADDDDY!" and her face lights up when he walks in the room!
Every colour is blue, every number is two, every answer to "do you..." is "no" - even if she doesn't mean it!
Whenever we ask her "What colour is this?" She'll respond "Blue".
When we ask her "How old are you?" She'll answer "Two".
When we ask her a question such as "Do you want to eat banana?" She'll say "NO!" but then she'll open her mouth and say "Ahhhh" to ask for it!
I love her sideways walk, backwards walk and march in place.
When she wants to walk around something, she'll always walk sideways!
When she wants to sit on something, she'll walk backwards into it...
Sometimes, she'll walk backwards for no reason!
She marches in place when she's excited... which is usually before bedtime or naptime!
She pats the spot where she'd like you to sit
If you ever see her pat the sofa, or (our favourite!) knock on the floor, it means "Sit here please!"
Her bangs are starting to get in her eyes and bother her... but as soon as she realizes there's a clip in her hair, it's out!
She loves to colour things and hold crayons, pens and her colored pencils/pencil crayons. I was scolded at the optometrists office for letting her walk around while holding a pencil crayon... Since then, we've stopped letting her hold these things. She used to do everything while holding onto a pen... it was like her security blanket!
New words:
puzzle - PAH-ZO
apple - AH-PO
sausage - SA-SHH
crocodile - koa-ka
Uncle Josh - we tried to teach her these two words separately: Uncle - she says "kaa-kaa" and Josh - she says "jus"... it sounds like Caca juice!
spoon - POON
banana - NANA
avocado - CADO
bubble - BAH-BO
car - KAH
poop - POO POO
She can also do all the sounds in the "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can you" except thunder and lightning. She loves when Daddy reads!
I'm sure I've left out all kinds of things, but for now - I hope this will do!