On Sunday, October 19, Mommy and I joined Uncle Josh and Auntie Christina at the Spice Of Life Festival in Berkeley. Daddy was quarantined at home - he was still really sick...
It was a beautiful day - it got a bit chilly towards the end of the day, but it was still beautiful!

My name in lights!
(too bad I can't find any key chains with my name on them!)

We devoured our Ciao Bella gelato!
Check me out eyeing that mango goodness...

Mommy gives me some too!
I'm so glad that sorbet is dairy-free! I need a treat every now and then!

I got to lick the spoon!

Uncle Galex gets some practice pushing me around!
My horsetail photos... Can you guess which ones were taken with a DSLR?

Tita Christina shows me my pictures...

Mommy and me - full from our falafels (which weren't that great, but I ate them up anyways!)


Uncle Josh tried to carry me on his shoulders... I guess he wasn't very comfortable!
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