We decided to end the New Year with a bang! We celebrated in South San Francisco... still a new city, right?
Everyone was dressed like a rockstar - an ode to our obsession of 2008 - Rock Band!
Mommy did some research online and discovered it's all about the make-up and the hair... heavy eye make-up and red lipstick and teased hair. Unfortunately, her hair fell flat by the time we reached Redwood City for dinner...
Daddy decided that all he needed was ripped jeans and a t-shirt... Mommy added "all you really need is some black eyeliner"...

my crazy family posing in front of the Christmas tree...

rock on!

as you can tell by our expressions, we were forced to take this picture.

Dominique and punky brewster! (check out my hair!)

Yay! I have my booster seat again!

Raise the roof!
"I can't hear yahhhhhhhhh"

Rocker Mommies and their babies!

I was having tons of fun, even though it was way past my bedtime!

Looks like I'm scared of Daddy...
I'm holding on to Mommy for dear life!

Uncle Joey gets his eyes done

The makeup artist and her clients...

Auntie Charlie puts on Ninong JB's eyeliner...

Auntie Charlie puts some on Mr. Blinkie (Uncle Brian kept blinking 100 times/minute!)

Ninong Ray finally succumbs to Mommy's pestering and bullying!

Happy New Year!
It's midnight!

My first solo picture of 2009.

Of course, they were all on their iPhones sending out "Happy New Years" texts...

I swear, I'm a good drummer! Let me join the band!


Mommy's other rule: Whoever sings must wear the "singing glove"...
Does it look familiar?

Mommy was on a mission - to get as many guys to wear eyeliner as possible...
She was rejected a lot in the beginning, but soon after, they all fell like dominos...
(I'm sure Johnny Walker had a hand in this!)

Whoa... Daddy...
Put that thing back in your mouth!

"seeps! seeps!"
Addison repeats "seeps" over and over again when she's sleepy)
It's "seeps" time for me...

Mommy usually pretends to sleep so that I fall asleep.
(This is usually how Addi falls asleep - face to face with me)
The party was still going on, and Mommy was afraid that people might walk in the room to ... well... use the bed for things other than sleeping... so she made this sign to make it clear - the bed was already taken!
Happy New Year everybody!
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