Happy Valentine's Day!
Mommy and Daddy don't really celebrate Valentine's day as a romantic holiday, but we celebrate it all together as a family!
Mommy and Daddy made a deal the night before - if he got stay out all night (until 8am) to play poker, we could all go to the mall together... little did he know that we would get to go to two malls!

The first mall - Daddy and I played while Mommy did errands... she passed by the play area to find me going down the slide!
We rode down with the Vargas'! I eventually followed Xavier's lead and took a brief nap...
I got to ride this cool thing...
I loved steering my wheel like they do in the movies!
We enjoyed a nice messy dinner at CrawDaddy's!
...where Medium is HOT!
Don't you love the bibs?!?
Hey! Where's my bib?!?
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