Mommy straps me in!
We started off at Tito Ramil's place after we dropped Tiyo Kev at the airport...
I tried to get him to stay, but I guess he COULD resist my big brown eyes!
On October 16, we were supposed to go sightseeing in the City, but it rained... BOO!
So we decided to go shopping instead! We headed down to Great Mall, which wasn't so great... Ninang Joy ended up getting WAY more stuff at Marina Square (which is only a 15 minute walk from home!)
We had a good time anyways... here are some pictures...

Here I am with Grandpa Frank in the Food Court...
We needed to take a quick coffee break before the shopping began!

Here I am with Mommy and Grandpa Frank...
I needed a quick snack, so we parked on these benches...

After my snack, I was good to go!
and Ninang Joy decided to wear me for the rest of the time... until NINE WEST!
Tonight was the first of the nightly Target trips!
Gotta walk off dinner!
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