After we checked out the lake, we met up with the Cruzada's and the Bautista's.

Here we all are... I was still sleeping in my stroller!

Here I am with my godsister, Hannah!
It was pretty chilly outside... nothing I couldn't handle though!

Here's Ate Hannah and Mommy!

Here I am with "ABC"... check out my shirt!

Here I am with my cousins Hannah, Benjoe (or like daddy says "Benjos"), Rayanne and Selena.

Here we are again with our Mommies and Daddies!

Here's Mommy and Ninang Rach...
"IDK, MY BFF RACH?!?", says Mommy.

Mommy, Daddy and the newlyweds!

Lola Syl and the kids!

Daddy and Cousin Benjos wearing their matching hoodies!

Me and Ninang again! Next time we see each other, I might be walking! and talking!

Me with the parents of the bride and groom!
[ - *Glitter Words*]
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