On August 16, Uncle Josh turned 31 - I made a video for him, and I'll post it soon!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Playing Fetch
Mommy and Daddy did a little experiment with me - One day I was playing in the room with Daddy and he gave me a clean dish towel. He said "give this to Mommy" and I went to the kitchen and gave Mommy the towel so she could replace the old one!
Mommy and Daddy always ask me to get stuff for them now. It's only things I know - like books, ball, my toys. It's fun - for now.
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Crocodile and Doodle!
On Thursday (August 14), we did errands and went shopping for Auntie Chee-Deh and Uncle Rayboy's baby shower. I ended up making out because I got crayons, markers (washable, of course), a crocodile xylophone/piano (I've been eyeing this for a while now!) and a magna doodle! and for the next 2 weeks, these have been my favorite things to play with!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:35 PM 0 comments
Day Trip with Ninong Ray and Auntie Chee-Deh
We took advantage of Daddy's and Ninong Ray's vacation by taking a day trip to Monterey. We left after morning rush hour traffic and it turned out to be a beautiful and fun day! I slept for most of the ride down and back. We had a yummy (greasy) lunch at a British pub (crown and anchor, i think?) and walked down Cannery Row. We found an awesome patisserie and Mommy was very excited to find a Napoleon. We listened and looked for sea lions - they don't congregate in one spot like the ones on Pier 49. I barked at every single dog I saw - there were a lot of dogs!
We drove the 17-Mile Drive, but I slept through most of it (again!) - it was very foggy, so I didn't miss much anyways!
We had dinner at a Japanese restaurant - Mommy loved her food and Daddy was indifferent, because he's had better Udon in Japan (of course!)
Ninong Ray took most of the pictures - we just need to figure out a way to get them from him or off the PS3.
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Swimming with the Njissangs... and mommy!
If you're wondering why you haven't seen Mommy in the pool, it's because she didn't have a swim suit. Auntie La was nice enough to bring a swim suit for Mommy on Tuesday (August 12), so she could swim with us! We had lots of fun together! Daddy was excited because he didn't have to hold any kids for a while because there were 3 adults and 3 kids (and Ate Aisley can swim on her own!)
We didn't have Mommy as our photographer because she was in the pool with us! so no pictures... sorry!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Uncle Pat, Uncle Oliver and Emily's Birthday Party
On Sunday, August 10, we celebrated Uncle Pat's, Uncle Oliver's and Emily's birthdays at Uncle Pat's house. Their birthdays are one day apart, so every year they can celebrate together!
I also met Amado for the first time today!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday with Aisley and Ison
On Saturday, August 9, we got to spend the day with Ate Aisley and Ison. Their parents went to a wedding and we all had a fun day together. We had lots of fun swimming in our pool. I love the water! Lunch was Aisley's choice (because She and Daddy were able to keep the ball up in the air 10 times) and she chose Quizno's. We got back home and played singstar. We could have played Rock Band, but we didn't find out until the next day that the lady downstairs wasn't home for the weekend! Too Bad!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Daddy's last day
Daddy's last day of work was on August 8. Mommy and I were very excited because we got to spend 2 whole weeks with him!
We celebrated his and Ninong Ray's temporary freedom by having dinner at Kirala restaurant and gelato for dessert.
Posted by Lil Stinker at 2:52 PM 0 comments
I was sick the week for the first week of August/last week of July... I completely lost my appetite and I would cough so hard that I would throw up. Mommy and Daddy were really busy taking care of me, so that's why I'm so behind in blogging!
I'll do a quick catch up!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Spaghetti messy...
My attempts at self-feeding spaghetti...
(yes, I AM CRAZY and a glutton for punishment!)
Posted by Lil Stinker at 12:43 AM 0 comments
Bella's Cheerleader/Football player party
Girls vs guys tug of war
Posted by Lil Stinker at 12:34 AM 0 comments
7/13 Addison swims with Daddy and Hannah
One of the many trips to the pool:
Posted by Lil Stinker at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Palace of Fine Arts
After checking out the GG Bridge, we decided to check out another must-see, the Palace of Fine Arts. It's still beautiful, even though it's under construction! I loved walking around and running on the grass while Auntie Tehani chased me!
Posted by Lil Stinker at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Addi says
This is in real time again... (as of 8/19/2008)
This morning James and I were talking about how much Addi talks now... If you spend any time with her, you'll notice that she babbles A LOT... now they're becoming more and more cohesive and I swear, she learned 20 words in the last 2 weeks! We were trying to count how many words she can say and I was starting to forget which ones I said already - James said I should write them down, so here's my log:
Let's start with signing - it's easier, since I decided not to teach her too many words so she'll be more inclined to speak, rather than sign:
eat, food, hungry
no more
It's completely food-centric, but it's a great way to know what's the matter - if she's cranky and she's not hungry (if I ask her, she'll sign "no more") than I know she's tired... process of elimination!
WORD SHE CAN SAY - what it sounds like - when she uses it
UP - up/up up up up - when she wants to be carried
DOWN- dow- when she wants to be on the floor
PLEASE- pwea/pee- when she wants something
THANK YOU- dado/daychoo/daytoo- when she wants something/after you give her something/when she wants to give you something
BALL- baow/ba- if she's looking for her ball or if she's holding her ball
BOOK- buh- when she wants her book
JUICE- ju- juice
WATER- ah-do- water (to drink, swim, bathe, fountain)/when she's thirsty
BABY- bee-bee, baybee - when she sees her reflection or picture, any other child under 5
ATE- aaaaaaah-de- Hannah, Aisley, Seyla
MAMA- mama- Marie or James
DADA- dah-dah/dah-dee- James or Marie
LOLA- lola- when she talks to my mom or sees her picture
LOLO- lulo- when she sees his picture
GRANDMA- mama- when she sees her
GRANDPA- bapa- when she sees him
NOSE- no- when she points to her nose or someone elses nose
NO- nonononono -when she doesn't want to sit, eat, sleep, etc... sometimes she'll wag her finger, especially if she knows it's something she shouldn't be doing (like going through Grandma's spools of thread)
BYE BYE- bahbye- to say bye to someone/if someone opens/closes/walks by a door
HI- hi- hi
UH OH- ooh oh/uh oh- when/before/after she drops something
DIAPER- pai-pah- when she sees a diaper
ONE- too- When you ask her how old she is, she holds up one finger and says "two"
GO- go go go- when we're walking
THERE- daw- if you ask her where something/someone is, she points to it and says "daw"
CHEESE- cheeee - If she's holding a camera, she'll pretend to take a picture and say "cheese"
TRAIN- choo choo- when we hear/see a train/bart
DOG- aww aww - when she hears/sees a dog or various other animals (bears, elephants, birds), she clenches her fists and tightens her upper body - I still have to videotape it!
CAT- ooooooow- I guess she can't say "me" in "meow", so she just has the drawn out "owwwwww"
It's really cute that she tries hard to communicate, when she jabbers, she uses her tongue a lot and makes sounds like
gablaboo blallooogala
she loves to click her tongue and go "blaboo blaboo blaboo" (I don't know how to write that sound, I just asked James and he doesn't know how to either, but picture someone making moose ears, scrunching their nose and making fun of you it's that blabo sound)
"no" really annoys me because I wasn't ready for it! She uses it very appropriately and she sounds like a 5 year old when she says it... she says it with such angst, I always tell people she learned it from James! She'll turn her head and say "NO!" when you try to feed her when she's not hungry. She'll whine "NO NO NO" when you try to put her in her highchair/stroller/car seat if she doesn't want to be there... I had a flash of panic yesterday - I hope she doesn't end up being THAT girl who says no to everything! But it's a comfort to know that once she's in her highchair/stroller/car seat, she stops her whining.
Posted by Lil Stinker at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Auntie Tehani visits us!
Auntie Tehani visited us all the way from Okayama, Japan. Auntie Tehani and Mommy used to teach together and Auntie Tehani even got to teach some of Mommy's students. Mommy was surprised to see pictures of her students and how much they've grown in 2 years!
We had lunch at Burma Superstar and did a sightseeing tour - it was chilly, but the sky was finally clear! (it was too cloudy to check out the bridge when Ate Seyla was here two days ago!)
Posted by Lil Stinker at 1:26 AM 0 comments