I'm a very active 14 month old! I love to move around and discover new things! I enjoy emptying bins, baskets and everything! I love to make people laugh by making silly noises (like barking like a dog... actually, I think I learn this in a few weeks). I love to have books read to me, but I normally don't have the patience to sit through the whole thing - I'll turn pages too early and I'll grab a new book for you to read me before you even finish the old one! I love to kiss people, strangers and mirrors. I love to eat meat! Yum! I'll never turn it down (except for when I'm sick!) I will say UP UP UP until you pick me up! Sometimes I'll say UP when I really mean DOWN. I love to say Mama and Dada over and over again - they're still interchangeable, but whatever - they know what I mean! I love to say BALL and run to it. I'll point at it if you ask me where it is ... you can hide it from me, but I'll always find it! I'll find my piggy if you ask me to also! I also learned how to say LOLA, but it sounds more like LAH LA - and I'll stick my tongue out when I say it! I can pick people's noses on demand, but Mommy's still trying to teach me how to put it in their mouths... I have a habit of waving my arm to and fro when I'm "running" (walking quickly). I'm not a big fan of shoes and socks, I'll always take them off - which is fine with Mommy, since she can't find walking shoes in my size anyways (she's a size 2, which is 3-6 months and most shoes that size don't have tracking on them... what 3-6 month old walks anyways?!?) I play hard to get - if you give me a lot of attention, I won't give you any.. but if you ignore me, I'll purse my lips together and hum (which means "You better kiss me now!!!). I'm an absolute joy and a beautiful baby girl - Mommy and Daddy can't stop staring at me... Every few days, Daddy talks about getting a shot gun to scare away my potential suitors...
Keto Diet
6 years ago
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