On Friday, July 25, Grandma Lyn, Auntie Rose, Uncle Eric and Uncle Dennis celebrated their Milestone Birthdays - They turned 65, 60, 55 and 50 in the same year!

Giggling with Ate Seyla and Madisyn

Waiting patiently for my food.

Someone else is doing the kissing for once!

Group photo - Ate Jordyn, Ate Aisley, Ate Lauryn and Ate Seyla with me!

Funny Faces! I'm really grabbing on to Aisley's cheeks!

My family!

I want that phone!

Tiyo Kev was just holding me and next thing you know... I'm out like a light!

He decides this is the perfect opportunity to hold me and chug his beer.

Auntie Babes holds me so Tiyo Kev can dance!

Ison went around to everyone to take pictures....
... with a garage door opener!

Grandma and Daddy share a moment!

It's Lola's turn to hold me now.

Lola, Mommy and me!
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