Colouring at Swiss Chalet.


Lola and me in our matching matching...
After we left Grandpa Vic's house, we all went grocery shopping to find stuff that I can eat. We went to the new Super Center and... it has everything you can think of! There was a humongous produce section that would put Safeway (San Leandro) to shame! There was a whole row just for me! Some tempting items were Rice Ice Cream, Wheat and Egg free pasta and even dairy-free Mac and Cheese! If you didn't know, I'm allergic to eggs, dairy and wheat - my face gets really itchy and red when I eat any of this stuff! Mommy got me Wheat-Free, Dairy-Free and Egg-Free Blueberry Waffles... can't wait to try them!
After the grocery store, we said bye bye to Ninang Joy because she was going downtown. Lola, Mommy and I went to Swiss Chalet... I loved it, but I think it's an acquired taste - you have to be Canadian to like it! Since I'm half-Canadian, I thought it was great!
We got home and I took my nap (I'm soooo jet-lagged!). Mommy continued to get my stuff ready. I was so excited when I woke up because Tiyo Kevin came over! We played and talked for a couple of hours... it was great to see him, even if it was a brief visit.
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