Mommy went through Ninong Ray's pictures and here is what we found!

Showing off the cake!

My fave toys at Grandma's house!
corks, corks, and more corks!

Daddy and me on fourth of July!

A 7 tooth smile!

Gabriel, Bella and me... cheese!

Lola's first day in the bay... we tried on my Flower Girl dress!

the day Auntie Chee-Deh and Ninong Ray watched me!

with Mommy and Daddy at their Rehearsal dinner

signing the guest book with Grandma

sitting with Tiyo Kev at Sunday Brunch

up in the air!

us at Bella's 5th birthday party

up in the air again!

yee haw!

us at the football party!

Dinner at the Vargas'
(Mommy thinks I look like a big girl in this picture and not so much like a baby anymore!)

BBQ on the patio!

I'm giving Chee-Boy a high 5!

Group nap!

I see a doggie!

Family photo in Monterey!

Mommy and me on the Pier

I kept barking at this dog, but when we came up to him I was really shy!

Mommy and me in front of Bubba Gumps

Bubba Gump Isaac

This little boy just jumped in front of Ninong when Ninong was going to take a picture!
We had to wait for him to leave!

Ninong JB and me at the Vargas Baby shower
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