This year, I'm thankful for my family and friends... I'm surrounded by people who love to love me! I love you all too!

Me and my cousins... Ella was still sleeping!

Aren't we cute?!?

I kept asking to put Ella on my lap!
I finally got my request!

I couldn't help it!
I love hugging my cousin!

I tried to copy Elijah as he did yoga poses on the Wii fit.

Take 1
Definitely not a frameable... you can see my diaper!

The Isaac cousins!

The Isaac brothers and cousins!

After all those pictures with my cousins, this is the face I made for my family photo.

Mommy wanted to take a picture of us in front of the orange tree...
this is the picture she got.

Simon and Elijah were racing each other and I was trailing behind!
I was happy just saying "GO!" after Mommy said "Ready, Set..."

Elijah and I play Simon says with Simon.
I just had fun watching him!

Simon and Elijah show me their Kung Fu skills...
Uh oh!

No, I didn't get to sit at the kids table this year... are you crazy?!? It would have been a mess! We'll wait til next year, when I'm not constantly trying to climb the chair and table!

Thanksgiving at Grandma's 2008
Happy too!
Thank you too, Addi
--Grampa Frank
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