
Sunday, December 14, 2008

My new sofa

Mommy and Daddy bought me a pull out sofa. It was supposed to be one of my Christmas presents, but I kept walking in our storage room (our extra bedroom, where the bed has been converted to the holder of unwrapped presents) and yelling out "AH-MO" (elmo), "TU-TEES/KU-KEESH" (cookie monster) and "BUHD" (big bird), while frantically pointing at this sofa.

Mommy complied and brought it out of storage and into our livingroom. It has become my favorite thing to sit on and play with/on. I like to bring my toys to my sofa to play with them. I like to bring my milk to my sofa and drink it. I like to put my stuffed animals on it to pretend they're sleeping on it.

Here I am with my sofa and milk... yes, the tag was still on and yes, it is now off and my sofa cover is washed.

As you can see here, I brought a sofa pillow to my sofa, Lumpy (my elephant) and a tissue box which I emptied... one tissue at a time. Guess how long it took for Mommy to find this all here - the time it takes to walk to the bathroom, do her (number 1) business and wash her hands...