This was our very first Christmas Eve together as a family!
It's Mommy and Daddy's First Christmas together too! Mommy usually spends Christmas in Toronto (or Tokyo), while Daddy spends Christmas over here! They always spend New Years together...but now, we all finally get to be together!

Here I am with one of my new presents! a new drum and Maracas! Maybe I can have a jam session with Ate Seyla or Kuya Elijah one day!

My first Christmas outfit!
Complete with a sailor cap!

This is me under Grandma's Christmas tree...
Look at all the presents! I can't wait to open them! (and put wrapping paper in my mouth, like when Mommy was wrapping presents!)

Kinda hard to find me, eh?

Take 1
I'm looking at Mommy, let's try again!

Take 2
Uh oh, Grandma blinked...
It's ok... the food's getting cold!
Thanks for the yummy Christmas Dinner Grandma Lynn!
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