Just wanted to wish my Ate Hannah
Happy 8th Birthday!
Sorry we posted this a day late, but better late than never!
Here are some pictures of us and some pictures of you when you were little!
Mommy had lots of fun looking up old pictures of you... She says she still remembers when you were my size!
Love you!

This is me with my Ate Hannah... Isn't she pretty!

Here we are in Lake Tahoe.

I think she was about 2 or 3 when this picture was taken...
Look! We have the same belly! We MUST be related!

Soooooo Cute!

Halloween 2004 - the last time Mommy spent Halloween with Ate Hannah...

This picture was on Mommy's wall in Japan... but it wasn't sideways like it is here...


Ate Hannah likes to stick out her tongue like me!

Ate Hannah was 6 in this picture!

She was up past her bedtime!
Happy Birthday Hannah!
I hope you like the pictures I found!
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