Yay! It's Christmas Day Already!
It's finally here!
Merry Christmas to everyone from our family to yours!

Here I am in my Christmas Dress!
Don't I look SMASHING?!?

Here I am with Mommy...
Check out my new boots... aren't they the CUTEST?!?

Cheesin' with Daddy!
I get my good looks from him!

Grandma and me!
We were laughing together after this picture!

Look! I'm standing!
(Can you guess who's holding me?)

Trying to look as proper as I can!

Great-Grandma Dolly and me!

Grandpa Trevor and me!

Grandma, Grandpa and me!
Don't I look so serious!
I've had enough of the picture taking already!!!

Ooooh! Shiny wrapping paper!

Look at all these presents!!!

Can you spot me?

Me and my Uncle Josh...
Opps! you can see my panty!

Unwrapping my first present!

Who cares about the gift inside, it's the wrapping paper that counts!

Everyone's opening their presents!

Grandpa Trevor waits patiently for his gift!

Daddy and me!

Look at all the chaos!

I love shiny things!
I wonder how that silver ornament will taste!

Cousin Simon loves to give me kisses!
Even Elijah said "I love Addison"... how sweet!
He still calls me "Simon's cousin", though.

Cousin Simon gives me a hug!

Me and Mommy by the tree!

Grandma and me under the tree!

Cousin Simon and me under the tree...
Elijah was busy playing guitar hero!
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