There are so many times I wish I had my camera to "capture the moment"... Addison is doing so much now, and the only way I'd be able to capture the moment would be if I had my camera around my neck... even then, I would still have to grab the camera, turn it on, etc... by then, I'd miss it!
Here are some things that were not caught on film, but I'd like to share with you guys anyways...
* As you may or may not know, her favorite two-syllable SOUND (not WORD, in my opinion) to repeat over and over again is "DA". She can say other syllables like A, DI, MA, BA, GA,etc. Sometimes it sounds like she says "Addi" and she'll repeat it over and over again "A-DI. A-DI".
but most of the time it's
Today, while I was giving her a bath, as I was rinsing the shampoo from her hair a little water went in her nose and she "swallowed" it... she was soooo startled, she looked up at me and said MAMA... She used the word so appropriately (I'm actually tearing a little as I write this) that it shocked me - it was the first time she said MAMA (She's said MA before). Mind you, I know... I KNOW she only said MAMA because water went up her nose and no other sound could be made, but in my heart I'll always think of this moment as the first time she said MAMA... (until she really says it for the first time!)
* She's seriously getting more and more mobile and I shouldn't leave her alone for a second!
This morning, Addi and I were playing on her play mat and as usual, I was eating breakfast (granola and milk) during our morning playtime. I had to wake James up to get ready for work, so I set my bowl down on one end of the play mat while she was on the other end of the mat.
I went in our room to wake James up and I hear a little clang... uh oh... that sounds like my cereal bowl! I ran to see what Addison was doing and OF COURSE, she knocked my bowl of cereal over and had the spoon in her mouth... GREAT! Whenever she plays with "ADULT SPOONS" she gets red marks on her face (or wherever the spoon touches...
I was gone for like a minute... Addison just loves to play with things that she's not supposed to already!
* Addison has been clicking her tongue the last few days... It makes me feel like I'm in trouble!
* Yesterday, we went to Hillsdale Mall (yes, the week before Christmas... I needed to pick up Addison's Christmas pictures. The mall wasn't as crowded as, say, Eaton Centre two weeks before Christmas or Scarborough Town Centre on a Friday, or any Shopping area in Japan on a Sunday)
offtrack... so we went to Hillsdale Mall and we needed to ride in a crowded elevator, no problem. There was a man who had a pointy goatee that was making faces at Addison... She shrieked in horror and cried like I've never heard her cry before! And Addison is the BIGGEST flirt when it comes to strangers! Usually she'll bat her eyes and flash a smile when strangers look at her... sometimes she just stares at new people until they look at her and she'll giggle when they make eye contact!
But THIS guy! I told James that this man kinda looked like lucifer... maybe that's why Addison cried...
* Addison doesn't like to eat solid food so much... I didn't think it would be this difficult to feed her. When she sees her baby spoon, she purses her lips. In the same minute, if she sees her sippy cup, her mouth opens wider than a molar checkup...
* Addison loves to be on her tummy... she'll roll over from her back to her tummy or from sitting position to her tummy...
* Addison has been scooting for about a week or two or three (I have lost all sense of time now... What day is it again?!?) And she's now doing something else - I don't know what you'd call it, but it's in between a scoot and an army crawl... it's still all hand/arm muscle, she's not sitting on her bum, she's on her knees while they're folded in and she drags herself along... I know this is a REALLY bad explanation, but again... I haven't caught it on film (or memory stick to be more precise)
* Addison loves to scratch her face... sometimes I'm lucky and I've cut her nails perfectly so that she doesn't mark up her forehead... but it seems like most times I'm unlucky and there's that one nail that has a little bit of a sharp edge to do the trick.
I can never win... if I cut her nails, she scratches her face up... if I don't cut her nails, she scratches her face up...
I don't have the patience to file her nails... and James doesn't have the patience to watch me do it!
The thing is, I have to do it while she's sleeping... and I can never get in the right light when she's asleep, so I never know if I did a bad cutting job until she's scratched herself!
* Addison snores. James snores. I'm a light sleeper. Haven't had two hours of continuous sleep since... I have no idea... and no concept of time!
by Mommy
Keto Diet
6 years ago
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