
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Group Baby Picture

Man... this was a toughie!
One day we'll have this down...
one day we'll all smile and look at the same camera...
but for now, these pictures will have to do!

Still a work in progress...
We're missing two babies!

Just waiting for Madisyn and Mason!

I was very excited and jumping up and down on Mommy's lap!
I must love all this attention!
I don't think any of the other babies were digging it...

At least we're all looking up in this picture!
By the looks of it, I think Izzy just bonked Auntie Anna in the head!
(from the top, clockwise) Mady, Mason, Ison, Izzy, me, Isaac and Emily with our Mommies!

ok... enough with the pictures already, it's bedtime!