
Thursday, April 9, 2009

22 Months Old!

I'm now 22 months old! When people ask Mommy how old I am, she now says "Addi is almost 2", instead of counting in months!

Do you like my dress? It matches my blog perfectly, don't you think? Thanks Grandpa Frank!


Joylynn said...

Aww, she is growing into such a little lady! : )

The top picture reminds me of my Gabriel again! I'm not sure if I've ever explained. My husband is Filipino, so Gabriel is both Filipino & Caucasian! Where we live, there is no diversity. There are no Filipino's at all, unfortunately. I'd love for the children to have the chance to be around both cultures. But, there is no other family like ours. So, it's so neat to read about another family that has a 'Lola', too!! : )

~* Happy Easter *~ God bless you guys!