
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bee Movie...

... really was a "B-movie"...
I stayed awake for most of it, but Mommy had to put me to sleep somewhere in the middle of the movie...
I kept saying "dada dada"

Mommy has a little trick...
She'll ask me "Who would you like to change your stinky diaper?"
Of course I'll reply "dada"

I started off on Grandma's lap, but as soon as the movie started I had to go to Mommy...

I'll put this bottle in my mouth... but that other one?!? NO WAY!

Cousin Elijah couldn't get enough of me!

Later on that night, Mommy and Daddy finally left me alone with Grandma!
They were able to get away for a few hours while I hung out with Grandma and Grandma Dolly...