
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hanging out in the Village

Mommy, Daddy and I had breakfast in the Village - I was getting really antsy because I had so many layers on! I just wanted to play with the snow!

Daddy and me...
there's no snow here!

Mommy and me...
Let's just sit on these wet steps!

I crush snow in my hand for the first time...
It's a little too cold for my taste!

Look at all this pretty snow, Daddy!

I'm getting pretty sleepy... really, I'm just bored with all this sitting around...

Oooh! My bum's cold!

Daddy! Stop throwing snow on me!

My family at the Northstar Village.

We try to go down the hill sled-less... bo-ring!

We try using my booster... bo-ring!

Let's go get the sled...


Joylynn said...

That's so neat that Addi got to play in the snow for the first time! Where we live, we have snow allllll winter. Ugh! I wish we could just visit it, then leave it behind!!