
Thursday, February 12, 2009

I see snow!

The first time I experience snow! I love snow... it makes me happy! and it makes me say things like "yummy" and "weeee!"


Anonymous said...

Aww, this is so neat to see Addi with snow for the first time!

I have to say, I just LOVE your daughter! She is SO adorable!!! She just reminds me so much of our Gabriel. And what is SOOooo cool, is that I just realized they were born within days of each other!!! Seriously. Gabe was born on May 10th!! I would love to tell you more about Gabriel and show you pictures of him and our other son. I don't post pictures of them on the web, as I have had problems with 'cyber-stalkers'. But I do have pics of them in my MySpace albumn, that's set for friends only. Do you have a MySpace account or an email address? My page, is: www.myspace.com/joy4theLord

It has been such a joy to read about Addison, and see what a blessing she must be in your lives. It looks like she has alot of people in her life who abundantly love her. You have a beautiful family! God has blessed you with much.

You probably blog for mostly your family and close friends, so I hope you don't mind me following. It's hard to describe, but Addi has a special place in my heart! ~ God bless you all! ~