
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

I woke up crying my ears off on New Year's Eve day... we went to the doctor's to find out that I have a very mild ear infection... poor me! I've had the sniffles for almost a week and I guess my tiny Eustacian tubes couldn't take it anymore!

I was given Amoxicillin to make me feel better, but Mommy can't give it to me, since she's fatally allergic to the stuff... so Daddy and Lola have been giving me the yucky pink stuff - OH how I hate it! I've never pursed my lips harder! I don't like sweet things, and this stuff tastes like berries!

Anyways, I felt much better at night, so Mommy and Daddy decided it would be ok to go to a pajama party in Antioch for the New Year's countdown... here are some pictures to share with you!

This is me and my buddy Amerie... she's two days older than me and our mom's used to hang out all the time when they lived in San Leandro, but now they live in Antioch.
If they still lived in San Leandro, we'd probably be BFF's and hang out all the time!

We spent 5 minutes studying each other's faces and touching each other's hands...
then we started talking to each other in our secret languages...
We both confessed that we HATE PINK, but our parents continue to dress us in that god-awful colour!

Our Family photo.

I got to spend a little time in Amerie's bouncer.

I liked all the cool toys and gadgets on this thing...
wonder if I'd like it at home - or would I get sick of it in a minute?

This is me and my buddy Mitchell... he just turned 1!

This is my buddy AJ... He's Amerie's Kuya. He loves spiderman and had a cool spiderman pajama set!

Isn't he cute? A little old for me, but definitely prom-date material!

My first champagne!
(just kidding - it's filled with water!)

Water out of a champagne flute... classy!

Maybe if you put Amoxicillin in a champagne flute, I wouldn't mind taking that stuff!

I've learned from the pro!

I'm with the Band (the Rock Band, that is)

Daddy tries to get creative with his pictures.

Mommy, me, Mitch and Uncle Roy.

Auntie Christina, Uncle Josh, Mommy and Lola right after countdown!

Posing in our pajamas!

Draped in confetti strings!

No more champagne please!

and I'm out... it's 12:01am.

I love Mommy's kisses!

I woke up kinda delirious!

I'm running on fumes!