
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Back in the Bay Area!

by Mommy

It was a bit difficult to adjust to "normal life" again after being in Toronto for 3 weeks... it was nice having James off for 2 weeks, as he was able to give us his undivided attention! It was nice having my mom around to play with Addison and watch her if James and I wanted to go out... It was nice being in a bigger place where Addison could run around and go up and down the stairs as she pleased... but it's nice being back home - where there are less places for Addi to hide!

I guess Addison caught something on the plane because she started to have a fever on Friday - she had no other symptoms and she wasn't crankier than usual. I wasn't able to give her my full attention because I needed to review for my CBEST test (which I took on Saturday). The original plan was for James to take Addi out for the day (to visit the new Vargas' or to the park - just out of the house, so I could study in peace and quiet!). Well, he couldn't take her out because of her temperature and she couldn't really understand why I couldn't give her my full attention because I was home. I was able to study during her usual naptime (in EST) and James happily obliged and napped with her.

She continued to have this fever for the next few days, with her temperature increasing at night, every night. Her highest temperature was 104.2 and James and I were worried. We called "Baby 911" and they advised us to monitor her temperature, but no need to worry unless her temperature got any higher or if she had a fever for more than 3 days... basically JUST WAIT IT OUT.

She didn't have much of an appetite for these 3 days and she was VERY clingy... I couldn't wait for this fever to pass! She didn't seem to be getting any better, so I made a doctor's appointment. I don't usually like to visit the doctor's office and it's a little difficult to get there since I don't drive (unless James drives us), but this time I decided it had to be done... so we took the bus...

This was the first time for Addison and I to take the bus in the East Bay. I think bus riders in all other parts of the world are completely spoiled after taking AC Transit! Talk about stereotypical East Bay hospitality!

Let me start off by saying that I was a bit frazzled - I have a sick daughter, I'm completely exhausted because of it and I'm pushing our huge stroller with extra clothes, Addi's food and toys to keep her entertained in the undercarriage... I asked the driver if this bus goes to x... she says "check the sign"... Holy sh*t, a simple yes or no would suffice!
I asked the driver if she could give me hand in getting the stroller on the bus - she tells me that she's not allowed to... I respond with "Are you serious?" and she says, "Yes. I'm serious. The bus company doesn't want to be liable if I drop your child"... I'm like whatever and I struggle to lift Addi in her stroller up the bus steps (that don't EVEN lower!) Anyways - Addison and I were totally spoiled in Toronto, riding on buses that lower with friendly bus drivers that assist their passengers... grunt!

By the time we saw the doctor, Addison's temperature was a little below 100 degrees and she had no signs of congestion or an ear infection. We left the office with an almost clean bill of health, thank goodness! At least I know how to get to the Doc's office by bus now... let's see if we ever have to use it again!


Greg Harper said...

Hi Addison's Mommy,

I apologize for the rude behavior by one of our drivers. If you can remember, could you please send me any information on what bus you were taking (either bus# and date or driver # or time, place, direction and line#)? I'd like to follow this up.

Greg Harper, Director for Ward 2, AC Transit.