
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The New Kids Concert - by Mommy

Ya, ya, ya... I know this has nothing to do with "Addison's Adventures" but I how could I NOT do a post about the New Kids concert?!? It was an awesome show... the best concert ever! And a lot of you NKOTB fans will agree - it was the company, the crowd AND the kids that made it great... it made us feel like 10 year olds again!!!

So , Joey, Jordan, Donnie, Danny and Jon... I promise I won't look down in shame anymore when I say I'm a New Kids fan...

Here I am with Addi dressed in the best 80's get-up I could gather at the last minute...
I even found my old fanny pack!
You can't really tell, but my hair is in a side-half ponytail held together by a neon pink scrunchie!
(I realize now that my outfit is very "Fanny Pack" ABDC inspired)
Addi will be very embarrassed of this picture when she's older.

Align CenterAddi on the subway
"Oh my god, Mom... What are you wearing?!?"
mind you... a lot of people were dressed like me at the concert...
I was very jealous of the girls with crimped hair - I couldn't find my old crimper!

With our tickets...
Like kids again!


On second thought...
We kinda look like candy ravers!

Yay for T-shirts!

Yay for beer with straws!

Yay for no lines at the Men's Bathroom!
All night we counted the number of guys we saw at the concert...
A total of 6 (we didn't include workers)
Forget the line ups at the women's bathrooms... we're going to the men's!

Yay for New Kids on the Block!

Yay for screaming women that are my age!
Yay for feeling like we're 10 again!
Yay for peace signs!

Yay for squinting to see our boys!

Yay for the pink scrunchie!
Yay for the Best Concert EVER!

Yay for funny security guards to take our picture!


PrincessAmplified said...

I can just picture you guys FREAKING when they first came out!! Although I wasn't a big fan Jordan did make me swoon =)

********************************************************** said...

Nerds! LOL! I can just see how giddy you were from your posting. You guys looked cute... glad you had fun.

Rachel said...

That was the best time with my girls!!